Growing with Nature network survey

We’re helping to facilitate a network of people involved in any kind of work with nature, from allotments to zooologists! This work started in December 2020 following an online workshop which highlighted the need for people to connect & support each other in taking action to help nature in their areas, as well as getting ecological expertise & guidance.

One of the key themes was to improve ecological knowledge & gain a better understanding of the practicalities of working with nature. As well as providing rewilding guidance & resources, we have also been working on a mapping platform with a focus group which will help connect groups across Plymouth.

In order to get the Growing with Nature Network Map ready to go, we now need to hear from you! If you’re part of a group taking action or volunteering to help the environment & wildlife, complete this quick survey. Answers are all optional and moderated manually.

Any questions, problems, corrections or deletions? email

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